New Year, Dirty House?

So far, I am doing well with all my goals.  I have done more of my workout videos in the last week, than I did the whole month of December.  I, EVEN, became an official Beach Body Coach!  😉  Love, Love, Love my shakes and my get fit video!  Don’t be surprised if a THIRD blog pops up.  😉

I have been contemplating our garden.  It is not NEARLY big enough to make enough food to can, but we could at least eat well all summer.  I just need to optimize space and get it going!

I have, definitely, been reading AND blogging more.  I, finally, started “Dreams of Joy”.  I have been wanting to read it forever….LOVE Lisa See!  It is as awesome, so far, as I thought it would be. 🙂  We will, also, be starting a new book at church next Tuesday, “Bad Girls of the Bible“.  I will, definitely, update you on that book as soon as I start it!  🙂

I have been writing a lot in my other blog: Voyage Towards Up.  I missed you all, though, and I wanted to stop in and say HELLO!

The kids are doing great. 🙂  They are so smart, and I can honestly say my patience with their “not smart actions” is getting better.  Day by Day…


The problem that I have found with all the “bettering me” stuff is that it is worsening the house! I am making time for the things I want to accomplish, but now the house looks like this on a pretty constant basis!


If anyone out there has a plan to remedy this, PLEASE help!  😉

***McCrazy Daily Lessons: Prioritize…the rest will all work out??***


Fitness Update

I will admit, I have not kept up with my Brazil Butt Lift videos..  :-/  However, thanks to today being a rest day, I am only one day behind!  😉

It seems to be a quite fun set of videos, but I will, DEFINITELY, be taking some time to figure out HOW to do them!  (lol)  And, figure out which ones I can actually do…  For example, I am currently watching a 20 minute video called “Tummy Tuck”….  I am not sure I can do any of this one.  (For those who may have missed my earlier blog post, I am now 21 1/2 weeks pregnant.)

I think what has been holding me back is the unknown…  I’m bad about feeling like I need to set a huge amount of time aside to do something that will take 45 minutes, because I am unsure of it.  Now that I have done almost all of them once, I think it’ll be easier to get up and going.

Learning them is a whole other story, though!

If you know me, you already know.  If you don’t know me, I CAN’T DANCE!  NOT AT ALL!  No rhythm….  They do the simplest foot work in these videos, and I just can’t get my feet to do it…  My brain knows it’s just a couple steps, but my feet…  Not getting it!  Don’t even get me started on where my hips end up.  :-/

The best part is when I think I am getting it, and that darling man from the video says, “Let’s add another step!”  REALLY!!  Four steps he says…aye…   I usually end up bouncing in circles and such…lol…until I find a move I know.  🙂

I do think I can figured them out…  This is just the start.  😉

Why do I tell you these things, you may ask??  Who cares, really??!?  I share, because I figure ifcan get going and do these videos, so can anyone!!!

I am a play sports, go for a run/walk type person.  Not a “workout” person.  I think I could get into this, though!

***What I am most thankful for:  These are at home workout videos!***

(Yes, I close the blinds.  🙂

Now, for my squat challenge :-/ and a SHAKE! Then, the library.  There, now you know my day.  🙂

***McCrazy Daily Lesson: Start now!!!  🙂  Order the video and “move those hips” as he says!***


This picture will take you to a coach…  However, I am surrounded at this point.  Take your pick…  And no, they don’t need to be near you.  They are just helpful and encouraging souls that sell you the right stuff and help you keep it going.  😉  FACEBOOK!

Jump Out!

No, not out of the boat…  😉

Do you remember my very second post?!?  ~Try New Things

I was reminded of it tonight, and I thought I would re-share.

Wouldn’t it be SO easy to just sit back and do the same things, with the same people, all the time?  It would get so repetitive that we wouldn’t even have to think!  We could just get up and go, and we would not have a care!

But that’s not why we are here!

We are meant to go out; see new things; meet new people; do new things!

We never know who we might meet or help along the way…  We also never know when an unexpected stranger may help us!

So, to avoid the dull, and to grasp the opportunities life has for us…

***McCrazy Daily Lesson:  Jump OUT! of your comfort zone!***

Day One

Not a bad day. 

The boys had a friend over (and me too), and that always makes for a more cheery day!  They had an absolute blast driving the new John Deer Gator around…  Silly Boys.  🙂

I started my workout: Brazil Butt Lift.  I did not complete it, but I did start, and WOW.  I am out of shape, have no balance left, AND all the jerking around??  HA!  It’s going to take me and my 21 week pregnant “butt” a minute to catch up to all this!  It will be worth it, though.  🙂

I bought a few books to read on my Kindle.  Some free; some cheap; all good.  😉  I even sat down and read a few pages of “Killing Jesus” this evening.  Still loving it!  

I got the boys a couple books to read, as well.  Bedtime story time.  😉  I found the cutest little kids devotional!  I have only sampled it, so far, but believe I will be buying it!  

Now, my blog.  🙂  I have found that I cannot do it all in a day, but…

***McCrazy Daily Lesson: If we work to set aside time for the important things, we can accomplish many things.***


~Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Here’s to strengthening our minds, bodies, and faith in the new year!

New Year, New Kind of Resolution

I’m not going to resolve to get fit; I always fail.

I’m not going to resolve to stop all bad habits; I always fail.

I am going to resolve to work on me.  I am going to do my best to become a more well rounded Heather.  I am going to love people more.  I am going to help people more.  I am going to be a more patient and loving mother.


From these things I hope to set good examples for my babies, family, friends, and strangers.

I would love to get back to doing the things I enjoy, again.  I love my blog, taking pictures, and I love to read.  Hopefully, more of that back in my life.  🙂

I hope to be more healthy.  I will never run a marathon, but I would love to finish a 5k.  Derek, Jr. asks me regularly if we can do the running where they throw colors at us, again.  I want him to keep those memories, strive to be healthy, and keep big dreams.


I want to cut the junk out of my diet.  I think all the time, “I ate whatever growing up and I’m fine”.  No I didn’t.  We grew a garden, and we ate OUR veggies…and likely more deer meat than I realize.  Natural food.  I would like to get back to that.


Two very important things will happen this year.  Our family will be whole again; our Daddy will be home!!

daddy love

AND shortly after that (hopefully), our family will grow!!  I may still be outnumbered, but at least I won’t be all alone.  Evelyn Isabella is coming!


Twenty-thirteen wasn’t horrible, but I am DEFINITELY looking forward to the new year.  🙂


We had a nice little party tonight.  It was a great time, and the boys had a blast!  We made new friends!


They are, of course, out for the night, and that’s ok.  I am blessed to have them sleeping beside me as I “ring in the new year”.  🙂

Tomorrow is a new day; a new year.  The veggie tray is coming out and the Brazil Butt Lift is going in the XBOX!  Healthy, more rounded family starts tomorrow!

McCrazy Update

Have you been wondering if things have settled down around here??!?  Let me paraphrase: no.

The four year old has lost his MIND!  He’s growing too fast, and his mind is all over he place…crazy and nutty AND smart….  He has been asking all sorts of intelligent questions.

But, then he does this…



Mmmm Hmmm…

***McCrazy Daily Lesson:  Just roll with it…  They are only small for a while.  Enjoy.  🙂  ***

Best Buy Shout Out

I finally did it!!!  I remembered to take my Kindle Fire in to get it checked out at Best Buy. 

It’s almost two years old, and it doesn’t charge correctly; sometimes it doesn’t charge at all…  It has been like this for quite a while, and I managed to sneak in right before my two-year warranty expired.  😉

I figured they would send it off and fix the plug area…  


They are sending it off and sending me a new one.  However, they are on backorder.  SO, if they cannot manage to get me a new one sent out within 15 days, they will issue a refund and I can BUY a new one…even upgrade!

How awesome is that?!??!  No questions…  No Stress… No hassle!!  I didn’t even need paperwork!  It’s all in their computer!!  

Just done!  🙂

You made my day Best Buy!!

❤ Image ❤

***McCrazy Daily Lesson: I rarely buy the warranty, but will DEFINITELY continue to shop at Best Buy AND buy the warranty…  **

The Lure of Christmas Goodies

What it is about Christmastime that makes plain candy and chocolates seem so much more alluring?!??

I mean seriously.  I started making cookies, fudge, and cake the begining of November so I could get multiple boxes to the ship for Christmas.  Homemade Christmas deliciousness I, usually, only make this time of year.

YET, last week I decided to buy three boxes of Little Debbies.  They were three for $5, so I had to, right?!?


Don’t get me wrong…  These are DELICIOUS!  I love Little Debbie!  (Thanks DAd.)  But I can eat these year round…  I needed to get them now, why??  Because they shaped like cute little Christmas Trees and colored red and green??!?

It hasn’t gotten any better either.  With my Christmas Party coming up this weekend, I TOTALLY fell for the large display of delicious chocolate at the front door of Walmart.


I almost never buy these things…  but I’m having a party and look how festive!!  Silver, red, green, AND gold wrappers!  Thank you chocolate factory!  MY party just wouldn’t have been the same without these!


Oh!  Let’s not forget these baby’s!


A MUST have are red and green m&m’s for my candy dish!!

Geeze Louise, please tell me I am not the only sucker out there!??!?!

Oh well…who could resist those cute little wrappers??  😉

It was a well rounded day, however…  We cleaned, we got gas, we gave a lady at the gas pump $5, because she left her wallet at work and had no gas, AND we got our tree up!!


Santa picked it out!  😉


Spreading Christmas cheer in every way we can!  😉

***McCrazy Daily Lesson: Make the most of your days…if those little candy trees make you happy, go for it!  But remember the real reason for the season, and help others when the opportunity shows itself!***

Ringing the Bell

The McKay Family is VERY excited to be ringing the Salvation Army Bell for the first time tomorrow!

The boys have already put money in this year, so the older one knew what I was talking about when I told him what we were doing.  🙂  He is excited to do it.  I do not believe the little knows, but he’ll fine.  😉

I am happy that we can help, and I am hoping for this to be the starting place for the boys to get a better understanding of “it’s not all about YOU!”


When we are done, it’ll be time for—-cupcake delivery to the church!  So glad I found the energy to get them done.  🙂

Tis the season, but the season for helping others should be year round!